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Customer Complaints
Your opinion matters!

Customer feedback is essential for Creditbank’s constant strive for improvement. We continuously aim to develop our services and adapt them to your needs. To better achieve that, we have set up a Claim Box for your feedback in every Creditbank branch for your convenience.

You can also submit your suggestions and comments through the following:
Phone number:  81 76 81 76
Mailing Address: Sin el Fil Blvd., Dekwaneh,
P.O. Box: 16-5795, Beirut Lebanon 1100 2802
Submission of the below form
Please fill in | الرجاء تزويدنا بالمعلومات التالية
* Mandatory fields
Kindly specify the best way to contact you* - يرجى اختيار الوسيلة الملائمة للإتصال بك
Phone Number is required
Email is required
Post mail is required
Field is required
Please select at least one way of contact
What would be the best time to contact you? *- ما هو الوقت الأنسب للإتصال بك؟
Kindly specify to which product or banking service this complaint is related* -
يرجى تحديد المنتج أو الخدمة المالية المرتبطة بهذه المراجعة
Please select at least one product or banking service
To serve you better and faster, Kindly provide the details of your complaint* -
لخدمتك بشكل أفضل، يرجى تزويدنا بتفاصيل المراجعة
0 character(s) entered. | 700 character(s) remaining.
Kindly attach all supporting documents to this claim
يرجى إرفاق جميع المستندات الداعمة بهذه المراجعة
+ Add file | إضافة ملف +
No file attached.
File Size limit: 2048KB. Maximum number of files: 5.
File extensions accepted: .doc, .docx, pdf, png, jpg or gif.
Max number of files exceeded
Please note that we take your complaint very seriously; this claim will be directly handled by our specialized Unit, who will be contacting you within 3 days maximum as of submission date to acknowledge receipt and confirm action. We will certainly revert back to you with the outcome of your claim within 15 days maximum.
يرجى الملاحظة أننا نتعامل مع هذه المراجعة بأولويّة تامّة. ستعمل الوحدة المختصّة على معالجتها وسوف تعلمك، ضمن مهلة 3 أيّام من تاريخ تقديم المراجعة، أنّها تلقّتها وباشرت بدراستها، كما ستوافيكم بالنتيجة خلال مهلة أقصاها 15 يوماً.
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All electronic transfers carried out through Creditbank Online Banking are certified by the Central Bank of Lebanon under the certification number 11/323 dated August 4, 2012. Creditbank’s number on the BDL list of banks is 103.
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